My prize and my privilege

is to serve and to protect

Enroll. Change one thing, Change everything.

Such minor changes, such huge consequences.
Roll over or roll on to vote to view Butterflies use their senses of sight, touch, hearing, smell, and taste to survive in the world, find food and mates, lay eggs in an appropriate place, migrate, and avoid hungry predators.

Sunday, December 13, 2020

To mind

I don't mind if they do.Are you implying my mind is duped?

I never feel warmer than what the thermometer has on its mind.

It gives someone a piece of natures mind.

As an informal rebuke of someone’s mind. 

Since some youth activists make a noise about it and that is when I go out to give them a piece of my mind.

So, great minds think alike to become activists?

You make me feel very much inclined to do that something mind-numbing. 

It gives me half a mind to write them a strongly worded letter.

And I have a good mind to write to their parents also to complain.

Car meal for the road: 18.00 hrs

  1. Wash: Potatoes
  2. Cut: Into smaller pieces
  3. Put: In a saucepan
  4. Add: Water
  5. Add: Meat: Spicy sausage in pieces
  6. Add: Ginger Onion Lemon Tomato
  7. Add: Salt Black pepper and Game spices
  8. Boil: With a lid
  9. Serve with Raw cabbage Raw tomato

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