My prize and my privilege

is to serve and to protect

Enroll. Change one thing, Change everything.

Such minor changes, such huge consequences.
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Saturday, December 26, 2015

Expectancy of truth for each acceptance needs a scientific formula

Some learnings of 2015 about


Relations have to be built on trust, firmly based in reliability, truth, or ability of someone or something. Professionals have been able to win the trust of others based on their knowledge of a subject. Making many the trusted advisers, that can be trusted to carry out an impartial investigation in the state of being responsible for someone or something. As of a man or woman, in a position of trust, it is expected for each acceptance of any truth presented and of any statement made that it is absolutely reliable without the need of further investigation or more evidence. 
One who used only primary sources, took nothing on trust why the law has made an arrangement whereby a person, a trustee, holds property as its nominal owner for the good of one or more beneficiaries by setting up a trust. As all those charitable trusts that collected large sums of money to help those that are not trusted by anyone else and in names they acquire the trust of their class of people that made the necessary transfers from a system to another, for an organisation or company to be managed by trustees, for a childhood or an alien fund, amongst others.
Large companies that have or attempt to gain monopolistic control of a market put their trust in someone with the same values. Trust someone to —— it is characteristic or predictable for someone to act in the specified way, as to trust one to have all the inside information. This allows someone to have access, or to look after someone or something of importance or value, with confidence, as with the insurance companies that allow themselves to have trust with others lives and pensions, committing someone or something to the safekeeping of anyone outside a “family”.
Those that do not like to trust their money to anyone outside a “family” may not have trust in the powers of justice. They can definitely not trust someone as far as one can throw them, not trust or hardly trust a particular person at all, other than their “Godfather”. Their lord himself may have lived on trust at an alehouse while the feminists had expectations in all the great trusts of womanhood. When anyone else may have placed ones own reliance on luck, fate, or chance and hurtled down the path, trusting to luck that he or she would not put a foot wrong.
However, for a mathematician, to have confidence is that reliance on something used as a polite formula in conversation.

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