My prize and my privilege

is to serve and to protect

Enroll. Change one thing, Change everything.

Such minor changes, such huge consequences.
Roll over or roll on to vote to view Butterflies use their senses of sight, touch, hearing, smell, and taste to survive in the world, find food and mates, lay eggs in an appropriate place, migrate, and avoid hungry predators.

Friday, September 7, 2018

I must create my own position of a Presidency

I have played my Wild Cards on KSP and my name. 
I must create my own position of a Presidency and the Jarl for my tribe and my people. As of such, I must act to dismantle the establishment as it is perceivable and as it is not perceivable and present my case to build my community of scholars for a republic of learning.

Do you have the guts to follow me?

This is a case, not for the courts to decide dressed in their clothes of their establishment but for the tribes and the peoples to decide, dressed in the clothes of righteousness.
I rest my case on behalf of my tribe and my people.
Your vote for me is a vote for righteousness to prosecute the establishment, 
  • in support of my No! No! No! Yes! Yes! motion 
  • to Just Play the Game 
  • in the making of a Community of Scholars for a Republic of Learning
  • in one of the five Nordic national game conservation areas
  • for my Presidency